In January 2016, East Central Community College became a tobacco-free campus.

Eccc托巴卡免费校区The tobacco-free policy is just one part of a 2020年愿景 action plan to promote student and employee wellness initiatives that create a culture of health and wellness on campus.
东部中心的 无烟政策 prohibits all tobacco products, including smoke-emanating (or electronic) and smokeless products, 在所有的校园, 包括建筑, 住房, 社会领域, 停车场, 户外运动场地, privately-owned vehicles while on campus, 大学自有车辆, 无论位置如何. The policy applies to all students, 教师, 和工作人员, and those visiting or conducting business on the ECCC main campus or other college site.


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that cigarette smoking is the leading cause of preventable death in the United States, 造成480多人死亡,每年有1000人死亡, 以42,000 of those from second-hand smoke exposure. More than 16 million people in the United States alone are currently living with a disease caused by smoking, 根据疾控中心.


Did you know there are over 600 ingredients in cigarettes? 原料包括, but are not limited to: acetone (nail polish remover), 氨(清洁用品), 砷(鼠药), 丁烷(繁荣!), formaldehyde (used for embalming the dead), lead (heavy metal) and tar (used to pave roads).
Many of the ingredients rolled up in a cigarette are called carcinogens, which simply means “known to cause cancer.” Because cigarettes are highly addictive, a smoker doesn’t just stop at one. Many people may smoke up to two or three packs of cigarettes a day—that’s 40-60 cigarettes in just 24 hours!
我们算算,有1个,440 minutes in a day and to say it takes on average five minutes to smoke each cigarette, smoking 2-3 packs of cigarettes will waste 200-300 minutes of your day. 每一天! While you stand outside by yourself in the cold, 抽着“抗癌棒”, 里面的生活还在继续. Your family doesn’t pause the movie while you are gone and your friends don’t stop the card game either! We all know what can happen as a result of smoking. Do yourself a favor and make up your mind to quit today! Your body and everyone around will thank you!



需要帮助戒烟? 这里有一些资源:


无烟烟草Cigarettes aren’t the only tobacco product that you should quit! Chewing tobacco and dip sales have increased over the last decade as the public becomes more aware of the dangers of cigarette smoking, but those alternatives are far from a safe choice.

Eccc无烟 These products cause oral and esophageal cancer, along with increasing the chances of heart disease and stroke. Not only does chewing tobacco and dipping cause cancer and cardiovascular complications, it’s also a very unattractive habit. The tobacco discolors teeth and gums and can lead to loose and lost teeth. If you develop oral or esophageal cancer, surgery is usually required to remove the diseased tissue and bone. People have lost the ability to chew, swallow and speak related to the removal of part of the cheek, 嘴唇, 下巴, 喉部及病变肌肉, 导致面部毁容. 这一切真的值得吗?

Visit these sites to help guide you through to a smokeless-free lifestyle:


Just because it’s a new electronic device, doesn’t make it cool! It’s not the latest phone or tablet ... 这是一根电子烟.
Some people abandon cigarettes only to start “vaping," assuming that electronic cigarettes are a safer option. Electronic cigarettes are not only NOT a safer option, but could potentially be more harmful to your health. E-cigarettes are not regulated by the FDA, and there are no long-term studies available.  Don’t put down one habit and substitute with another!
Visit these sites on electronic cigarettes:

This webpage is a project of the Gamma Tau Chapter of the Alpha Delta Nu Honor Society of Nursing at East Central Community College.